Wow, where do I start!? How about with what the heck I am doing here!?
I really just felt compelled to chronicle my journey to my first 1/2 marathon because otherwise it doesn't seem real.
Here's some background information - I am turning 42 years old this year and have ALWAYS hated running! I have always been skinny and never really had to do much, lucky I know. Don't hate. I just have really good metabolism. I did ballet and jazz growing up but was never really good at sports. I dabbled at the gym here and there but never anything consistent. I was never unhappy with my body but I never felt strong or healthy.
I am married to the most amazing man ever and he is THE best cook! Because of him I started to eat.. A LOT! As I got into my late 30's I started to notice a little extra softness and rolls that I had never seen before. It was actually that time that my body was going to start rebelling on me! I was not happy and knew I had to do something.
That is where running came in. I was SO not into going to the gym or taking any classes (time and money reasons) so the only other choice was running - my nemesis! I was actually ready to take it on. My hubby said he would do it with me so I had no other excuse. I downloaded the Couch to 5k app and thought I could NEVER run for more than 2 minutes straight. Never! But I did. Can't say I enjoyed the whole process but I was SO happy to accomplish something that I set my mind to. For once I started something and I finished it. I was quite proud of myself and my Hubby too!
That was about 2 years ago. I really only ever wanted to try for 5k, maybe 10 but after finishing the program we became inconsistent again. We would take a couple months off here and there and then get really into it again. I realized I didn't have a new goal to work towards and I have a hard time staying focused without a concrete goal. I never started running to try to run any races or get faster and that was just not working for me. I am a SLOW ASS! Not even kidding! I think my first 5k was something embarrassing like 45 minutes! I just never cared about time or pace.. or so I thought. Turns out I am too competitive for my own good! I started doing some speed training with hubby cuz I hated being so fricken slow! Worked my way to a 5k PR of 28:13!! That happened ONCE! Got my goal and fell off the wagon again. Needed a new goal.
One other thing about me - I am OBSESSED with Lululemon! I almost think I run just to justify buying their stuff. When I heard that they were holding their inaugural 1/2 marathon, the Seawheeze, in Vancouver I really wanted to be a part of it but not as a runner... yet. I volunteered my hubby and I to work at an Aid Station. We LOVED it!! It was such an amazing experience and I came away SO inspired. I said to myself "I am going to run this next year!"
And here I am a registered runner with my Hubby and another good friend who started running around the same time as us. It's less than 3 months away and I am SO nervous and excited!
If you would have told me 5 years ago that I would be signed up for a 1/2 marathon I would have told you you to GTFO!
We are currently on Week 7 of a Running Room training program that a friend of mine gave me. It's going well but I wanted to do more and start documenting it. You can only train for your very first 1/2 marathon once so I really want to remember it.
First training post will be for our second 10k long run on Sunday.
p.s. I know no one will read this as it's just for 'lil ole me!
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