We have been so lucky thus far to have no major injuries during this training program. Knock on wood! As much as I want to go faster, I know that keeping a steady recommended pace is helping to ensure that we make it to race day with no injuries. I wish my competitive nature didn't battle this fact so much!
Although we have no MAJOR injuries, there are some minor ones. I have one ugly big black toe!! My big toe on my right foot started bruising about a month ago. It was tender when I first noticed it and then it turned purplish but it wasn't really painful and I don't really notice it unless I push really hard on the nail. It hasn't gone away and although it doesn't bother me it is UGLY! So much for pretty toes in the summer! Forget about a French manicure! I can only wear really dark polish to cover it up. I'm not quite sure what is causing it but it's only on one toe. I know I am pounding a lot of pavement and losing toenails and getting bruised toenails can be common. I guess I won't worry about it unless it gets painful. Here it is in all it's black glory! U G L Y!
My minor injuries seem to favour my right side because on long runs I get a little bit of chafing under my right arm by my arm pit. I don't normally notice it until the end of the run and then it really stings. I have to remember to body glide that area!
I mentioned before that Hubby was having some pain in his shins. He was worried he was getting shin splints so he changed his gait to more of a shuffle and has had no further issues. Phew!
He gets a bit of chafing too on his thighs if he doesn't remember to apply some kind of protection. Luckily no bloody nipples yet!!
Of course all my running clothes are Lululemon. I don't know what I would do without cute, technical clothing? They make such a difference. The moisture wicking and anti stink capability are a god send! LOVE my running clothes! My wallet doesn't! Some of my faves are the speed shorts, the Ebb & Flow tank and crops, anything of the swiftly tops, the Free To Be bra and cool racerbacks. I usually wear a baseball hat to keep my hair out of my face. I am not too sweaty of a person so any hat works. My fave socks are Lulu. I have tried other socks but none of them even hold a candle to Lulu's. I carry my iPhone in an armband that works really well and I listen to music and use MapMyRun or RunKeeper apps to keep track of time and distance. Well that's my gear in a nutshell. Oh and I REALLY need a Garmin!!! Maybe after our France trip : )
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